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Program Goals and Objectives

The goal of the school guidance and counseling program is to facilitate student development in the areas of Academic Development and Personal/Social Development.  Specific goals include:

  • Provide a program based on intellectual, social, emotional and physical development
  • Create an environment conducive to learning and mutual respect among all members of the school community
  • Enhance student achievement to reach requirements for high school graduation and post- secondary success
  • Demonstrate a commitment to the belief that all children can learn
  • Provide our students with opportunities to explore their own potentialities
  • Assist our students to grow academically, develop socially, make appropriate choices, and accept responsibility for their decisions. 
  • Provide activities necessary for development of marketable skills and a rich cultural citizenship for every student. 

Mission Statement

The mission of the Barack Obama Elementary Counseling Program is to support the mission of Richmond Public Schools as well as provide comprehensive services that empower all students to reach their highest potential through the collaboration of home, school, and community.

Vision Statement

The Barack Obama Elementary Counseling Program seeks to inspire all of its students to become independent learners and thinkers who will live lives as responsible and productive members of society.


Belief Statement

School Counselors are certified educators trained in school counseling and educational issues.  Through appropriate and effective academic, career, and personal-social programs, all students can be successful.